Charleston Blvd EAST from Rancho Dr to Las Vegas Blvd from 8:09:38 AM to 8:12:22 AM. Average speed: 31.1 mph. Total stops: 1 after the 1st intersection.
3079 : Charleston Blvd @ Rancho Dr. 1 stops, then through
26 seconds: 8:09:08 AM->8:09:34 AM, 123 feet before intersection.
3085 : Charleston Blvd @ Westwood Dr - UMC. 0 stops, then through
3080 : Charleston Blvd @ Shadow Ln. 1 stops, then through
10 seconds: 8:10:18 AM->8:10:28 AM, 214 feet before intersection.
3069 : Charleston Blvd @ I-15 SB Ramp. 0 stops, then through
3257 : Charleston Blvd @ Grand Central Pkwy. 0 stops, then through
3168 : Charleston Blvd @ Commerce St. 0 stops, then through
3074 : Charleston Blvd @ Main St. 0 stops, then through
3055 : Charleston Blvd @ Art Wy - Casino Ctr. 0 stops, then through
3510 : Charleston Blvd @ 3rd St. 0 stops, then through
3067 : Charleston Blvd @ Fourth St. 0 stops, then through
3073 : Charleston Blvd @ Las Vegas Blvd. 0 stops, then through