Gibson Rd SOUTH from Warm Springs Rd to Paseo Verde Pkwy from 11:16:23 AM to 11:20:53 AM. Average speed: 28.3 mph. Total stops: 3 after the 1st intersection.
5057 : Warm Springs Rd @ Gibson Rd. 1 stops, then through
24 seconds: 11:15:53 AM->11:16:17 AM, 185 feet before intersection.
5095 : Gibson Rd @ Auto Show Dr. 1 stops, then through
4 seconds: 11:16:50 AM->11:16:54 AM, 3,049 feet before intersection.
5139 : Gibson Rd @ American Pacific Dr. 1 stops, then through
32 seconds: 11:18:10 AM->11:18:42 AM, 77 feet before intersection.
5154 : Gibson Rd @ Mary Crest Rd. 0 stops, then through
5181 : Gibson Rd @ Wigwam Pkwy. 1 stops, then through
19 seconds: 11:19:37 AM->11:19:56 AM, 82 feet before intersection.
5155 : Gibson Rd @ South I-215 WB Ramp. 0 stops, then through
5156 : Gibson Rd @ South I-215 EB Ramp. 0 stops, then through
5134 : Gibson Rd @ Las Palmas Entrada Ave. 0 stops, then through
5173 : Gibson Rd @ Paseo Verde Pkwy. 0 stops, then unknown